Sunday, July 13, 2008


Trev and I left July 1 (I love that), for our nine-day odyssey across the country. I have to admit, my stomach was doing flips as I pulled out of the driveway, waving goodbye to Dad. He seemed happy for me more than sad. Mom, however... jeez mom, I'm not trying to break your heart! I'm just trying to live my dreams. Everyone has got to do it or they'll live with the regret of not trying. And you know I think these things through.

Anyhow, the day was hot an sticky, Gnarls Barkley (see previous post) was blaring, Trevor was aching from the numerous vaccines recently pumped through his body and my mind couldn't (and still can't) wrap around the idea of California. Over 2,000 miles away! But off we headed, humor good and spirit high.

Arkansas, of course, is where my grandmother, aunt and her family live just on Lake Hamilton. We spend the second on the lake... we even managed to get my grandma out on the party barge for a few hours! In the evening, we anchored the boat in quiet cove, drank a couple beers, floated in the water and talked existentialism and gambling (my brother lead the conversation, I'd say...). I love my dad's sister and her family. They're real people, hard working, loving, happy... A lot like my own family, I'd like to think.

We headed out the third, driving through the Ozarks toward Missouri. I know, this is north, not west, but we've got family to see! I should also say that we've (well, I've) decided to to take smaller routes as opposed to the freeway. So the westward part of the trip is, for the most part, spent on US-50. I highly recommend this route, by the by...

1 comment:

Darlene - Our Creative Life said...

Awe, thanks! We love you too & miss you both!